Friday, August 10, 2012

afternoon showers

These past two weeks have been busy for us getting DIY projects wrapped up, cleaning out closets, Goodwill drop offs, shopping for school supplies, having play dates, hosting a home show, attending preschool orientation, meet the teacher day, preparing for an upcoming birthday party and planning a trip to the mountains and the beach. Whew. And I just reread that first sentence and realized there's still a lot that I forgot to mention. But for me, busy means productive. It seems the more I have on my plate, the more I surprise myself with checking things off my to-do list.

That is until the afternoon showers come everyday. I've been so productive. A busy bee if you will. And then every afternoon the sky gets dark, the thunder rolls in, and the rain starts. Put a fork in me. I'm done.

I don't know what it is. I love rainy days. Really love them. But the afternoon showers these past couple of weeks literally take over my body and all the productivity, to-do lists, energizer bunny running around completely halts. As much as I love the rain and any excuse to get cozy on the couch, I've got to get past the storm and conquer because this lady has a lot to do!

The past week I have received so many emails from old and new clients requesting custom designs and I couldn't be more excited about starting work again. I am loving my break this summer for sure, but I am also realizing that I love what I do for a living too. I miss design. I know it probably sounds crazy to some, but it's just the way my mind works. I've done a little here and there this summer to keep my creativity in check, but I'm really looking forward to the fall workload, especially Christmas cards!

The afternoon showers were light today (thank goodness), so I was able to upload some work from the Spring. Hope you enjoy these baby shower invitations.

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